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The best choices for snacks are whole fresh food i.e.: hard-boiled eggs, cut meat, fresh veggies etc. But often you get stuck at a meeting, in traffic, something comes up and you need a snack now that you weren’t prepared for. This leads to either getting over hungry and making bad choices or having to run in the gas station and grab some “protein” bar loaded with inflammatory and artificial ingredients. Here are a list of things I recommend keeping in a zip lock bag at all times in your car, office, brief case, gym bag etc. These are NOT pre/post workout foods, which fall into a different category these are on the go in between meal snacks!


  • RX Bars

  • Raw nuts (almonds, walnuts, pecans)- add some unsweetened cacao nibs and freeze dried fruit for some flavor if you like

  • Sachets of tuna, salmon on sardines (get the pouches so no can opener needed)

  • Avocados

  • Simple Squares bars

  • Julian bakery protein bars

  • Grass run farms grass fed beef jerky

  • “Epic” jerky bites (go with uncured bacon for the least sugar)

  • Epic hunt and harvest mix (lower sugar than the bars)

  • Epic bars (pulled pork, beef apple bacon lowest sugar)

  • Plantain chips

  • Packets of almond butter

  • Julian Bakery coconut cereal/crackers/coconut bread

  • Kale chips

  • Pumpkin seeds

  • Dang coconut chips

  • Go Raw Flax Seed Crackers




COMING your custom Survival Snack Kit from FWM store..

Image by chuttersnap
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